Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Thanks for your concern. I'm glad to say that I'm feeling better today. Not 100%, but much better than yesterday.

I worked from home again today, but I fully intend to go in to work tomorrow. (I'm sure Wanda is glad about that.)

I did make it to Sparks today. We made memory books. I had done the outline beforehand - one page per meeting, with a picture to remind the girls about what they had done - and then they had to draw a picture or write something about what they had done. They loved it! I was expecting them to get about one page done, but they moved really fast and were all glad to take it home.

After Sparks, one of the other leaders and I went off to Party Packagers to look for supplies for our camp. We're doing a pirate theme, and we needed bandanas. We bought bandanas - but we also found amazing pirate hats. We bought one for each leader. (Not out of the Sparks money, for the record). (Ignore the price tag in the dorky picture).


  1. Congrats! I have awarded you the Lemonade blog award which is given by fellow blogger to bloggers who show great attitude and/or gratitude!

  2. That will be awesome with the pirate costume I lent you!

    Jen R.
