Friday, August 12, 2022


 After 3 years - and 2 postponements - my Girl Guide travel group finally made it to Yellowknife. You can read about our trip here

It was a great trip! 

COVID made it a much tricker situation than we'd planned. We'd originally planned to go in March of 2021 and sleep in the Girl Guide cabin outside of town.

COVID cancelled that, and we rescheduled for March of 2022. We couldn't do that either, so we rescheduled for July. And, also due to COVID, the cabin was out, so we booked hotel rooms.

We had to do COVID tests the day before we went - all 3 leaders and 15 youth. I warned them in early July to be diligent about masking, because if they tested positive they couldn't go.

We had to figure out what we'd do if someone got sick while we were there (move two leaders into the same room, put the sick youth into their own room). We also had to figure out which leader would stay behind if someone couldn't fly back.

Everyone tested negative, and all 18 of us got on the plane. And all 18 of us got on the plane back.

The side of the highway. In the distance, you can barely make out a herd of bison.

Bunches of green leaves with red berries.

Rocky waterfalls surrounded by pine trees

A road closed sign with a lake behind it