It has been hot in Ottawa this week.
Really hot.
I believe we've had more hot days than the last two summers combined.
I'm enjoying it - when we don't get the warm weather in the summer, I feel like I've missed out. Since I'm on the late shift this week, I can spend the mornings outside - which is also when my backyard actually has shade.
Yesterday, the heat was more of a problem. You see, Tuesday night was hot (and I haven't resorted to air conditioning at home yet), so I was pretty warm when I woke up. I got up and went to the gym, then came home and got ready for work. (I had switched shifts, so I had to be there at 10.) I worked all day, then went to boxing.
I think I've mentioned that my boxing class is above a pool. It's always warm and humid. Yesterday was worse than usual - and it was boxathon week, which means 24 stations instead of 12.
I was on station 18 when I realized I'd better slow down. I didn't work nearly as hard at the last 6 stations, but I was still pretty warm when the class ended. I wasn't the only one - that kind of exertion is tough when it's that hot.
I came home and downed a lot of liquid, but I was still thirsty when I woke up this morning. I'm going to be recovering from that for a while.
In other news, I managed to break my laptop. Well, the laptop is fine, but the display is destroyed, so now I'm trying to figure out how to get it to display on an external monitor (and then I need to figure out whether it's worth trying to fix it or whether I should just get a new one). I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend...
Doing our grandparent job
3 hours ago