Sunday, August 31, 2008
Moving day
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Apple picking
I haven't tried the apples yet, but they look good, and the pie crust is waiting in the fridge.
Random new thing
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I don't know how to feel about this
The results?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Meme too
Four place I go to over and over:
Work, Goodlife Fitness, the grocery store, Quizno's.
Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
Jennifer, Connie, my first cousins on my mom's side (we're all on a mailing list of sorts), one of the guys I used to have coffee with at my last job
Four places I would rather be right now:
This is hard. I can't think of 4 places, although a bubble bath wouldn't be a bad option.
Four TV shows/programs that I watch over and over:
Bones, The Office, The Simpsons, How I Met Your Mother. (I'm glad I didn't have to think of a fifth one.)
Four things I have for breakfast:
Cheese, bagels, oatmeal, fruit (usually bananas)
Four animals I like best:
Rhinos (they're improbably big), ostriches (ditto), cats (I like the way all cats move the same way), snakes (again, I like the way they move) -- as long as I don't have to live with any animals.
Four beaches I've been to:
Hmm. There was a nice beach in Savona, Italy, a not-so-nice beach in Malta, one in Hampton, N.H., and the beach at my aunt & uncle's cottage when I was a kid.
I'm not going to tag anyone specifically to continue this, but if you feel so inclined you can let me know your answers in the comments.
Edited to add: I've changed my mind - I'm tagging Sydney.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The one where I actually notice my surroundings
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Feeling Wicked
There were empty seats beside me, so I sat in one seat up until intermission, and then moved and sat in a different seat after intermission. The second seat was better as there was no one in the seat directly in front of me.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
You'd think this would be easy. However, it took about 30 minutes and the assistance of two store employees. While they were looking up what type of base they needed, I moved one of those moveable step-thingys. (I should not be left unattended in a store of that sort.)
Anyway, after the step was painted I realized I was getting hungry, so I made tuna salad with beans instead of mayonaise. It turned out well. I used 1/2 a can of canned beans (rinsed and drained), tuna, mustard, pickles, and the juice from 1/2 a lemon.
It'll be interesting to see how it tastes once it's been sitting in the fridge for a day.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Chilling out
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
As I mentioned yesterday...
In other news, I took the bus to Kanata today. It took me an hour to get to work (including the time spent walking to/from the bus stop) and the bus dropped me off right at work. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be (but it's still 4 times longer than driving).
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Not what I had planned
Today I went to buy new ones. I went to the store, picked out a pair, and then went out to the car.
The car did not start. It was clearly the battery.
I called CAA. They said they'd be there in 45 minutes.
I waited 45 minutes. They were not there, so I tried the car again. It miraculously started, so I left, making this the first time I called CAA and then left before they showed up.
(Since it was almost 7, I drove across the street to Canadian Tire. Long story short, the battery is gone & they are replacing the alternator tomorrow.)
When you combine this with the parking ticket I got earlier in the week, it becomes clear that I'm OK to drive but I should stop parking as that rarely turns out well.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Really, I've been to Toronto more times than I've been to London
Anyway, inspired by Sydney, today I did some National Geographic quizes.
I got 50% on the Toronto quiz, 50% on Venice, 70% on London, and 63% on Rome. I have been to all of those places. Apparently, I should pay more attention.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Greek Fest
Friday, August 15, 2008
Air Canada
However, they don't fly to many international destinations, so for my Botswana trip, I flew with Air Canada. Today I filled out a survey for Air Canada. It was run by Ipsos, and it asked some really good questions. It was also the first time I filled out a survey about a specific flight, rather than a trip. (It was for the Frankfurt - Toronto portion of my trip.)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Mmmm, cookies!
I went into work for a meeting today. (I worked from home the rest of the day). Anyway, on the way home I stopped at Subway.
Back in my previous job, there was a Subway in the cafeteria. I used to eat there regularly. As a result, I never went to Subway outside of work.
Now that I have a new job, I occasionally do go to Subway. Anyway, I stopped to grab a sub for lunch, and they were having a contest. I won a cookie in a Subway contest. Now I have to go back to Subway to claim my cookie.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Still whining about being sick
However, I have a cold and today is a "coughing a lot" day. As a result, today I used apple cinnamon tea and cranberry tea together to make a combined pot of apple/cinnamon/cranberry tea. It was fine, and I'm certainly coughing less.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Just peachy
I know that a lot of people want hot drinks when they have a sore throat. I am not one of those people. When I have a sore throat, I want ice cream. Since I bought peaches at the store yesterday, today I made a peach milkshake. It was good. No pictures, because the camera was downstairs and I was upstairs.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I'm back in Ottawa (and so is my luggage)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Heading home
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My hotel room
Today I created a video of my hotel room (and uploaded it to blogger). I haven't watched it, I know I say "um" a lot. Also, it might be very choppy, I have a tendencey to swing the camera around. I figured if I watched it, it would just result in me re-doing it over and over.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Only 2 days to go ... not that I'm counting
It was reasonably successful.
Our wrap up meeting is tomorrow at 8 a.m., and then I just have to wait until my flight on Saturday. (I tried to reschedule it, but no luck.)
Still, only 2 days to go. That really doesn't seem all that long.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Some days, you count the small victories
(There's a possibility I may get to leave a day early, which is ridiculously exciting to me.)
Anyway, you know what makes days like this better?
Ice cream!
Today I had a soft serve ice cream cone that was dipped in chocolate, and then rolled in nuts. It was good, but not as good as going home.
(OK, I'll stop now.)
Monday, August 4, 2008
All about Botswana
That morphed into looking up (& listening to) the national anthem, which morphed into reading a blog in Setswana (well, reading the English portions, anyway).
(Incidently, if you're doing a trip this summer why not print off the scavenger hunt form and join in? You too can say to a waiter at a restaurant "I'll be right in, I just have to take a picture of the door first." Plus it won't be hard to beat me, I'll be the one trying to pass off a zebra as a flower.)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Safari, part 3
Again, I had to get up early for the game drive. (OK, it's winter, so it wasn't that early).
Unfortunately, today we didn't see much. Elephants, warthogs, wildebeast, impalas, kudu, and some birds.
I checked out before 11 and headed back to Gaborone. Right outside the park gates were baboons.
I was in Gaborone shortly after noon, and spent the afternoon checking back in to the hotel, buying supplies, and catching up on everything I had missed while I was gone.
You will note that none of those things are new.
After having gotten back from what was essentially a vacation and back into work mode, I was pretty tired and down. At home, I go to the gym regularly. I never work on on vacation because I'm usually doing so much walking it's not an issue. However, on this trip I have been sitting most of the time, so today I did a 10 minute workout in my room. (You will note it was not in the lobby.) Anyway, I warmed up, did some shadow boxing, some kicks, some squats, some lunges, some push ups, some crunches, etc. Before I knew it, 10 minutes had passed.
For those interested, safari pictures are here.
General Botswana pictures are here.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Safari, part 2
As soon as you get to Johannesburg airport, you start hearing about the big 5 (lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo, and leopard). Personally, I'd give up the buffalo and leopard for giraffes and hippos, but the big 5 is the big 5.
Saturday our quest to see the big 5 continued when I got up early to do a morning game drive. The game drive started at 7 and continued until almost 10. We saw buffalo, lions, zebra, elephants, and rhinos.
I have to say that Africa has some of the oddest herbivores around - the rhino, elephant, and giraffe are all very improbably animals.
After the morning safari, I took a nap and then sat out on my deck to watch the water hole. That day there were kudu, wildebeast, impalas, and zebras at the water hole.
The day ended with dinner in the boma. It was very nice - the food was good, and there were fires around to keep everyone warm.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Safari, part 1
I checked out of the hotel in Gaborone (leaving most of my luggage in my colleague's room) and headed for Tau Game Lodge in the Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa.